
This is a list of resources I commonly find myself referencing or using throughout either personal or professional endeavors, including but not limited to software, guides, and other blogs.

Audio Engineering

Coming soon…

Information Technology


Anoop C Nair (SCCM/SCEM) – Anoop is a Microsoft MVP award recipient with numerous published guides regarding System Center Endpoint Manager (formerly System Center Configuration Manager).

Carl Stalhood (Horizon/Citrix/VDI) – Carl is a VDI expert with an extremely helpful blog outlining common processes or problems sysadmins may experience when working with Horizon or Citrix.

Prajwal Desai (SCCM/SCEM) – Prajwal is an IT professional with a plethora of extremely helpful guides on managing, updating, and troubleshooting System Center Endpoint Manager (formerly System Center Configuration Manager) along with other related Microsoft products.


System Banner – Looking for a way to display information at the top of the screen in a banner-like format without intruding on screen content? System Banner, inspired by Microsoft’s NetBanner, provides additional functionality, configurations, and improved support for multiple monitors.